Hey, I'm William.

I'm a Developer

I've spent the last 6 years learning and tinkering with different technologies. That has led me to where I am today, studying a Software Engineering degree at Yoobee Colleage.


Hey! I'm William, if you haven't already gathered that by now. I'm a software engineer from Wellington, New Zealand.

Solving complex problems and bringing ideas to life through software excites me. Whether it's creating algorithms, designing user-friendly interfaces, or exploring the backend of systems.

I am currently studying a Software Engineering degree at Yoobee Colleage.

I currently work for Bactosure as a Software Engineer, building software for testing water quality.

My links

Use at work

C++PythonRaspberry PiESP32ArduinoAWSFirebaseGit

Use for fun



An image of the ESP32 Home Assistant Remote project.

ESP32 Home Assistant Remote

ESP32, C++, Home Assistant

Small ESP32 project to control Home Assistant with a remote Learn more >

An image of the New Website project.

New Website

Next.js - Typescript - Tailwind CSS - MDX - Framer motion - Vercel

My portfolio website Learn more >

An image of the PID Simulator project.

PID Simulator

javascript - html - css - chart.js - tailwindcss

A web app for simulating a PID controller. Learn more >

An image of the Cards Against Humanity project.

Cards Against Humanity

HTML - CSS - JS - Node - Express - Socket.io

Cards Against Humanity game online Learn more >

An image of the Burgerfuel redesign project.

Burgerfuel redesign

Tailwind CSS - Prisma - Express.js - PostgreSQL

A redesign of the BurgerFuel website Learn more >


2023 - Present
Software Engineer
Wellingotn, NZ

I Work on software for the Bactosure product. Bactosure is a cost effective rapid test for detecting bacteria in water. I work on the software that runs on the device, the software that runs on the cloud, and the software that runs on the mobile app.

C++PythonRaspberry PiESP32ArduinoAWSFirebaseGit


Shoot me an email if you want to connect!